New Ordinances Ordinance 2025-101 Amend Section 1-9(a) Bond Schedule.pdf Ordinance 2024-106 Amending the City of Seymour Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and City of Seymour Zoning District Map to Reclassify Tax Parcel No. 340152700, From Agricultural District to r-1 Single Family in Part and R-3 Multi-Family in Part.pdf Ordinance 2024-105 Animals.pdf Ordinance 2024-104 Repeal and Recreate Retention of Records.pdf Ordinance 2024-103 Amend SEction 78-62(d) Addition of Special Exception (9).pdf Ordinance 2024-102 Repeal and Recreate Section 78-304 Based on Act 16.pdf Ordinance 2024-101 Minimum Residential Property Maintenance Standards.pdf Ordinance_2023-103_ATV-UTV_Usage_in_the_City.pdf Ordinance 2023-102 Amendment and Addition Fair Housing.pdf Ordinance 2023-101 Overnight Parking of Trailers Prohibited.pdf